Sceptile as a C or D tier. Mamoswine bucked the trend of Ice mediocrity, possessing decent bulk and the highest Attack stat among all Ice types. As time goes by, it faces more and more competition on both fronts. Die Hyperliga ist die mittlere Wettkampfstufe in der GO Kampfliga, an Duellen unter ihrem Banner können nur Pokémon teilnehmen, die maximal über eine Stärke von bis zu 2.500 Wettkampfpunkten (WP) verfügen. We consider the Difficulty (Novice, Intermediate, Hard and Expert) and what pokemon the Top Ranking players are using in the current meta to win Ranked Games. Kyogre, a meta choice in seemingly every last bit of competitive Pokemon, is once again a top-tier option in Pokemon GO! When Tier 4 Pokemon come out, we can start to see a bit of individuality in each team. Assign it as a…, To Purify or Not to Purify... now that is the question, Theorycraft: What unassigned move would you like to see added to PMG. Given the prevalence of Dark, Fighting, and Dragon types on the top tier list, Clefable XL is a good choice. Publié 16 sep 2016 Par Holomovement 7. die superliga ihre pforten, wir blicken auf die meta und diskutieren starke teams für den wettkampf. UPDATES. Shadow Raikou appreciates Shadow Ball even more, allowing it to function as a reasonable Ghost-type attacker too. From Friday, October 15, 2021 at 10 a.m. to Sunday, October 31, 2021 at 8 p.m. on Pokémon GO, the Halloween event is your chance to make way for the spooky Pokémon! Guesthouse for Tourists, Students and Sales Agents in Wuerzburg City, Germany You would not be able to use specific Pokémon in this league classification, which is what renders it a Remix. On the Poison Side, it has absolutely fantastic offensive performance, but Poison is still a less than outstanding type. Let’s say you don’t have Rampardos, for it’s a pretty rare Pokemon. Pokemon Go Tier List: Best Defenders. Dieses Pokémon vom Typ Wasser und Fee könnt ihr zu Azumarill entwickeln, das in der Superliga äußerst beliebt ist. In general, tier lists can be interpreted as follows: S: Top-tier Pokemon. Das sind die besten Attacken und so besiegt ihr alle Formen. With its exclusive move Hydro Cannon, Feraligatr lived in the spotlight for a short 6 months before Swampert came along and did everything better. Shadow Electivire definitely is lightning in a bottle. Don't bother messing around with Hidden Power. However, Shadow Tyranitar isn't quite as good in the dual-type attacker role as others, as Smack Down is an Elite Move. Breakdown: Tier 2. BESTENLISTE Spiele an jedem Ort. Während einer Saison könnt ihr im Rang aufsteigen – Rang 1 ist dabei der geringste und Rang 10 der höchste. This guide covers tiers of Pokémon best in the Ultra League, with a focus on All Pokémon in the traditional Ultra League and the best Pokémon for the Premier Cup. Main. Juli 2021 erschien das … Because of this limitation, some very strong Mega Evolutions may end up on tiers lower than other Pokemon within their types, as their meta tends to be more competitive. Ho-Oh returned and the Mega pool was changed at 1 p.m. PST. While it’s unlikely to top DPS charts when compared to other Mega Evolutions, it is a solid choice for both that can make walking for Mega Energy a bit easier. This tier list is meant for an open format. Within this Pokemon Go Tier List, we list every Pokemon Go MAX CP and otadditionalonal stats. It can also work as a Dragon Type attacker, but it falls behind on this metric due to its lesser Dragon moveset. April 2020 stattfindet! Restricted formats can heavily alter the viability of any given pokémon. It is hugely powerful as a Water Type attacker, can moonlight as a great Ground Type attacker, and can very easily switch between the two roles thanks to its extremely inexpensive second charged move unlock cost. If you have a favorite that didn't make the list, let us know in the comments. Changes in late 2018 gave Gengar access to Lick and 25% more bulk, catapulting its viability as a top attacker. As Niantic ’s Pokemon GO cruises through its fifth-anniversary celebrations, the battle league is as popular and competitive as ever. Pokemon go pvp tier list master. Giratina (Altered Forme) 5 / 5. It's also worth noting that Niantic will occasionally enable a "Mega Evolution Boost" period in-game, that will temporarily raise one Mega Evolution to a very high level while Mega Evolved. While Shadow Ball is the stronger move, the difference between it and Dark Pulse is tiny at best. It’s typing and moves…, I’m talking more about Shadow Legendaries & Pseudo-Legendaries like Metagross Pokemon Go players who are in the senior and the masters age division will be able to take part in the events during the Pokemon Go Championship 2022 Series. Sceptile is decent, but outclassed by many shadow Pokemon as a Grass Type attacker. Guides Events Research. The downside is that Rhyperior absolutely needs Rock Wrecker, a legacy move only obtained from Elite TM items. Now that we’ve talked about the attackers, let’s talk about defenders. They can provide nice alternatives for those without the superior species on the tier list. Pokémon GO - Best Pokémon For Defending We're not going to organise defensive Pokémon into tiers, as the way we see it there are two best options and then a … If you’re unsure which Pokémon you want to use, we’re here to help. Die Pokémon Go Kampf-Liga ist da und mit ihr stellen sich natürlich neue Fragen. I would add: Hariyama as a B tier. Is Tyranitar still a king? But this DPS lead is insignificant, and Raikou is way more durable. Its biggest barriers are availability and evolution cost. Zapdos's higher Attack compared to Raikou is more than offset by a worse charged move. Tier 1. You all saw this coming. There are over 1 million tier list templates available on TierMaker and you can make a tier list for nearly anything by searching for the topic you are interested in or starting on our category page.. You can use our tier list maker to quickly create your own unique and interactive TierMaker template that anyone can use. Shadow Swampert is very effective in any raid that it has Super Effective damage. We’ve also kept an eye out for meta-breaking options which may be more powerful than many may think, as well as recent patches that may shift the balance of power. Raw power and a great typing against the many Dragon raid bosses we have make this a must-grab (especially since they tend to spawn a lot as part of the Sword/Shield Event)! Draco Meteor is still pretty good, and ambitious raiders can put both on the same Salamence for extra DPS. Your GO Battle League rank will be reset. With access to an array of powerful Charge Moves, Shadow Mewtwo can almost always hit for Shadow boosted Super Effective damage. The criteria for Pokemon … Pokémon … Tools. Pokémon … Metagross #376 (Hoenn) Table of contents. While Confusion is the best Fast attack, Psycho Cut is only slightly inferior, so either attack will generally work well. It puts out a lot of damage fast so fast. Beste Attackenkombination; Alle Attacken; Entwicklung; … If you have a favorite that didn't make the list, let us know in the comments. Its high Water DPS is complemented by excellent bulk and a lack of a sub-typing that could potentially get in the way. It's a monster as both a Flying and a Fire Type attacker, and can easily switch between the two if it has a second charged move unlocked. While it's been outclassed in recent years, it still has the performance needed to be a viable investment in today's metagame. In order to help you get the maximum out of your Buddy, we’ve assembled a Tier List that includes both Gen 2 and Gen 1 Buddies that can evolve in Gen … Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. These are the Pokemon that are genuinely good in the current Meta: the gold-standards. Best Pokemon - Tier 4. It also has a viable 2 bar charge move with Flamethrower, which is better for gym attacking. With Elite Charge TMs, Shadow Ball and Psystrike unlock insane amounts of damage for Shadow Mewtwo. It has better stats but a worse Fast Move, and its defensive typing can hurt more than help. This tier list is meant for an open format. Haxorus's access to Dragon Claw and mono-Dragon typing grant it a couple of unique characteristics, though it generally doesn't distinguish itself much. As a Steel attacker, Genesect is.... usable. Das sind die besten Pokémon: Wir listen euch hier … True, its attack stat is fairly low, but its stellar moveset and ability to absorb damage and lash out with surprisingly frequent Shadow Balls makes up for it. Initially cursed with bad Charged Moves, Heatran caught a break with the addition of Flamethrower to its movepool. A core list of top attackers with good matchups against many Gym defenders and past / future Raid Bosses, ranked from S to C. 10/31/2021- Tier List Update/Reorganization. They can fill out a team if needed, but they generally aren’t worth investing much in at all. If you’d like to remain competitive in Pokemon Go’s Great League Remix, you’ll need to be certain you’re using the right Pokémon. Its biggest issue tends to be its Grass sub-typing, which generally doesn’t do it many favors. As is, Garchomp does the same job as a handful of other Pokemon, with minor tradeoffs. Few Pokemon in GO can claim to excel at multiple roles, and Weavile is one of them. The Closer Pokémon will be the final option on your team. In Windy weather, Shadow Psystrike Mewtwo rivals top tier Super Effective alternatives, giving it the S++ Tier all to itself. Halloween 2021 Cup, Tier list and best Pokémon on Pokémon GO. Just raise a high-leveled one and go to town on some raids! Listed below are the current Raid bosses in Pokemon GO, according to the Silph Research Group. Still, it's worth raising one or two Frenzy Plant Venusaur to round out a raid team. The Attackers Tier List highlights what are arguably the best Raid Pokemon in the game, divided into three distinct sections. While you do have a better — although frailer — Poison option in Gengar, you generally don’t have a better option for Grass. Aus den Ergebnissen berechnet Pokebattler dann eine PVP-Rangliste. Diese kann sich natürlich jederzeit ändern, vor allem wenn neue Pokémon ins Spiel kommen. Die Superliga (engl: "Great League") ist die niedrigste Kampfliga in Pokémon GO. In dieser Liga dürfen nur Pokémon mit maximal 1.500 WP eingesetzt werden. Sceptile as a C or D tier. Ground but hurts vs. Rock. Each medal has four tiers: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. While Steel-types aren't really known for attacking, a Shadow Pokemon with pseudo-Legendary stats and one of the best Charged Moves in the game makes quite a powerful Pokemon. This is due to their stats and abilities allowing them positions on both. While not quite as strong as Shadow Machamp, Shadow Hariyama is still a very powerful Fighting Type that is worth a slot on most teams. This list is for general PVE —- Raids and Rocket battles. Pokemon Unite Tier List (After Patch) From best to worst, stand united! Pokémon GO: Allgemeine Tipps zu Trainerkämpfen. These Pokemon specialize in defense and are most useful in ensuring gyms remain in your hands. Players like you put their hearts and souls into creating these lists in the hopes of sharing what they know with the world. As-is, it's on a par with Zekrom in terms of DPS, but it's nowhere near as bulky. Torterra with its Community Day move is comparable to Venusaur. Palkia competes with the good Dragon-types like Dragonite and Salamence. Mega Evolutions are calculated a little differently on this list due to the fact that players can only have one at a time. Pokémon GO: Beste Pokémon für den Kanto-Cup – Nidoqueen und Chaneira besonders stark. They are generally very powerful, extremely versatile, or able to fill a niche in the game that is extremely valuable. That said, this list does not include ranked PVP! The post The Ultra League tier list in Pokémon Go Season 9 – October 2021 appeared first on Gamepur. Much like Mega Charizard X, Mega Gyarados is a jack of multiple trades, but a master of none. Of course, we’re not top-tier players ourselves (yet), so we have homed in on what the best of the best are piloting on each of the Pokémon Unite maps to form the basis of this list. Galarian Darmanitan is a glass cannon of an Ice Type, sporting high power and great overall performance that really can't be understated. This is a list of all the Pokémon that are currently obtainable in Pokémon GO. For each Pokémon we list: Dex number, name and type. And be sure to check out our Best Portable Battery Packs so your phone never runs out of juice on the way to becoming a Pokémon Master! Das sind die besten Pokémon: Wir listen euch hier … Though there are now Rock and Dark attackers with higher DPS, Tyranitar stands tall with leads in HP and Defense. Jedes Pokémon ist einem dieser Tiers zugewiesen. Furthermore, the list below is a pool of ten of the most generally good Pokemon. Pokémon Unite tier list: Best playable Pokémon Some Pokémon are definitely better than others. The post The Great League tier list in Pokémon Go Battle League Season 9 Best Pokémon September 2021 appeared first on Gamepur. Crab Hammer is just too good, and so Clawitzer finds its way onto our tier list. By. You can follow him over @juniormiyai on Twitter. If you don’t have that, you can use the budget option of Earthquake, but your efficacy is severely reduced. However, in order to be truly successful, you must first determine which Pokémon are best suited for these new leagues! Has…, So, I‘m a bit confused as to how long we have to complete the Hoopa research …, So move that’s in main game. By. Yveltal is a strong and reliable Flying Type attacker, as well as a solid Dark Type attacker. It's a vanilla-flavored Water Type in a sea of the same, so it's not a huge deal if you don't have a good one to raise. Facebook. Main. Haben sie schon jemals diese tiere gesehen? Gardevoir was one of many run of the mill Machamp counters before it gained Charm and the buff to Psychic. B: Good Pokemon. As a Dragon Type attacker, it's a bit weaker than the absolute top dragons, but it's also very viable due to its sheer power and the list of resistances that its Electric typing brings to the table. Pokémon is Copyright Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company 2001-2018. It puts out a lot of damage fast so fast. Es gibt 17 unterschiedliche Typen von Pokémon im Mobile Game und jeder Typ hat dabei mehrere Stärken und … Additionally, players must also be above the age of digital consent in their respective markets. While it can’t pull double Type duty effectively like the X version, its focused power makes it a very attractive Mega Evolution to invest in. G-Darm is a brand-new addition to Pokemon GO! It's also a solid Flying attacker, but it needs Hurricane to operate at peak efficiency in this capacity. Not a problem. 0. Seit dem 30. Filter The Tier Lists By Role. Pokémon GO: Beste Pokémon für den Kanto-Cup – Nidoqueen und Chaneira besonders stark. Salamence has higher Attack than Dragonite, and now that it has Outrage too, it's definitively the better Dragon by a narrow margin. The presence of these Pokemon shows what Tier 1 or 2 Pokemon the user is afraid of. Mewtwo's massive Attack stat means that it excels at whatever it does. Shadow Victreebel has a very nice offensive presence, and can rack up damage very quickly. make investing in one a very good idea. Despite the fact that all three members of this trio are Fighting Type, their secondary types mean that no one type is useful against all three. Landorus - Therian Forme suffered a hit to its moveset pre-release when it lost Earth Power, but it still has the sheer force needed to be a great Pokemon overall. If you need a Fire attacker, Fire Spin and Overheat are the way to go. But for good reason, as Alolan Sandslash can get buffed to a ridiculous degree when doing so. However, feel free to use the budget option Flash Cannon for something similar. A: Great Pokemon. No Mega Evolutions are currently boosted, and we probably won't see any until next season. It has high HP forcing opponents to switch Pokemon letting you choose a Pokemon … Guides Events Research. As mentioned above, Rampardos with Smack Down (one of the best Fast moves in the game) and Rock Slide (the best Rock Charge move in the game) consistently puts out the highest Rock DPS in the entire game. It's strong and worth investing in if you're lucky enough to find a good one. Though not quite matching the DPS of Raikou or Electivire, Magnezone stands out in matchups where it can leverage one of its 12 resistances. We will update this section as we learn about more Mega Evolution boosts! As long as Steel isn't resisted, Shadow Metagross is an excellent choice. Rebecca Spear. Its main claim to fame is its huge power as an Electric Type attacker with a sub-type that's very beneficial in most scenarios. Die Rangliste für die [[(gbl.leaderboard.current_season * 1) + 1]]. Beste Attackenkombination; Alle Attacken; Entwicklung; … A Pokemon Go CP List of the Strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Go with the Highest CP Per Power Up are placed in the Highest Tier = GOD TIER / S-Tier, While Mons with lesser Pokemon GO MAX CP Gains are placed in the Lowest Tier = F-TIER.Using this Pokemon CP List will help you choose the Best Pokemon … Every Pokemon EVER (As of January 2020) Pokemon Mainline Games. Pokemon Unite tier list (October 2021) C Tier will be filled with everything below. The Senior Division players need to be born in 2006, 2007, 2008, or 2009. Pokémon Go Ultra League Remix - Banned list and alternative recommendation explored The list of banned Pokémon in the Ultra Remix League - … These are the best Pokémon Go movesets I've seen for the toughest Pokémon and best counters currently in the game. Facebook. IV-Rechner WP Entwicklungsrechner Fangchance-Rechner PidgeyCalc CP Calculator Pokémon Verwaltung Trading map. Bei diesem brandneuen Event für die GO-Kampfliga steht das Aquamaus-Pokémon Marill im Rampenlicht. Mitglied seit … Umbreon can be a great counter to top tier picks such as Deoxys (Defense form), Altaria and even Skarmory. Assign it as a Fast Move or Charged Move. Tools . Best Pokemon Per Rank; S Rank Pokemon; A Rank Pokemon; B Rank Pokemon; Evaluation Criteria; Check Out All Pokemon List - Pokedex. Pokémon. Shadow Weavile is a remarkably strong and very frail Pokemon. Custom Tier List Maker. It’s also set to hold the throne as the most powerful Ghost for the foreseeable future. ReddIt. However, their lack of offensive choices delegate them strictly to being a massive meat shield. These are the Pokemon that can generally fight just as hard as the higher tiers, but are slightly less valuable for one reason or another. Still, it’s a very solid Mega Evolution that’s worth having. This page shows Pokemon Go tier list (Updated: September 2021). If you lack the top tiers, these are work-horses that can fill out a team and keep DPS up. With recent updates, Earthquake performs about equally to Drill Run. Pokemon Go Tier List – September 2021. It saw a huge improvement due to going from bad moves to good moves, but it still fell short of its tremendous potential. Their or even more counter users, such as Obstagoon, Blaziken, and Toxicroak, reach this tier. just wondered if anyone had a grimer to trade me please? As with the Shadow variant in the disclaimer above, you really want Psystrike, but it’s only obtainable with an Elite TM. The post The Master League tier list in Pokémon Go – November 2021 appeared first on Gamepur. WhatsApp. Feiert die Veröffentlichung der GO-Kampfliga-Rangliste mit uns beim GO-Kampftag mit Marill, der am Sonntag, den 12. Anime Legendary PKMN Tier List - last post by @ Nov 21, 2009 pokemon ability tier list - last post by @ Jul 26, 2019 Neoseeker Diamond and Pearl Tier List 2008 - Major Update 6-6-08 - last post by @ Jun 16, 2008 Updated Tier List - last post by @ Jul 14, 2011 Pokemon Tier List V1.0 {PLEASE STICKY} - last post by @ Sep 14, 2009 Pokémon Go: Regigigas in … Deoxys (Defense Forme) 5 / 5. Je vais vous faire les top-tiers de chacune des Ligues de Pokémon Go et de la Premier Cup. A quick guide on the best Pokémon you can use in the Ultra League. It has a great mix of DPS and TDO that will allow it to stay relevant long-term even when it’s inevitably outsped. Machamp spent a long time as the King of Fighters until Lucario dethroned it with the excellent Aura Sphere. Melde dein team an und werde ein champion! Works Well With Swampert Garchomp. Saison der Kampfliga in Pokémon Go aktiv und mit ihr sind einige Anpassungen am Rangsystem und an den Belohnungen ins Spiel gekommen. Pokemon Go Great League Remix Tier List + Banned Pokemon. Espeon’s high Attack stat and good movesets make it a great Psychic attacker, useful in the enduring Machamp raid. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the top DPS in either Ice or Dark (or Ghost), and it's frailer than the top options, thus relegating it to this part of the tier list. Your Switch Pokémon is an option that typically swaps out when your Lead Pokémon feels a bit of pressure. Though it loses to Machamp in both DPS and TDO after the November 2018 stat recalculation, Hariyama is a great backup option for Fighting-type damage. All images and names owned and trademarked by Gamefreak, Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, and Niantic are property of their respective owners. We have carefully considered each strength and weakness of all the Pokemon present in the game as of writing, and have determined the best ones to play to reach Veteran rank or higher. GO Battle League Season 9 will start on Monday, August 30, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. PDT (GMT −7). While Mega Pidgeot is the terror of the Flying Type meta, Flying Types generally don’t see a huge amount of use for the most part. Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Release Event, Shinx Confirmed for November 2021 Community Day, Pokemon Go: Content Update for November 2021, Hey everyone, While currently dethroned by the top Shadow Dragons, Rayquaza is still an outstanding investment due to its all-around stellar performance against its fellow Dragon Types; a type that is filled to the brim with Legendary Pokemon. Angebot einlösen. Tier-List zur Superliga von Pokémon GO . Registeel 5 / 5. Electric’s favorable type coverage, Raikou's good bulk and damage output, and the frequent appearance of Water types on gym defense make Raikou a top attacker choice. Twitter. Pour faire ces top-tiers, je me suis basé sur des vidéos, les retours des joueurs du monde entier en discutant avec eux, et sur certains sites pour les combats. If you cannot obtain one, Shadow Ball is extremely potent, as well. Added new tier definitions, and compounded many tiers of similar utility. It's also the best Poison attacker, for what that's worth. It’s typing and moves…, I’m talking more about Shadow Legendaries & Pseudo-Legendaries like Metagross 4y. So findet man die richtigen Pokémon: Wichtig ist, dass ihr mit den WP eurer Monster besonders dicht an die … Tangrowth is back on the market with Power Whip, though it doesn't particularly stand out. Pokémon CP ranking Pokémon GO Info. Roserade also enjoys being fairly accessible, with Roselia being a pretty common spawn. Share. Die GO-Kampfliga findet in Saisons statt. Bevor wir zu den Listen der besten PVP-Pokémon für die unterschiedlichen Ligen kommen, haben … Sirfetch’d is a … This tier list orders the Pokemon by best performance so that players will know the best options to use. If you can play this robotic terror to its strengths, it will be one of the top counters in any relevant raid. While generally less powerful than its Y forme, Mega Charizard X has an arguably better typing and dual-type utility in its corner. Please obey all local restrictions on travel and gatherings when raiding. While several other Water-types remain better, the addition of Community Day Hydro Cannon puts Empoleon on equal footing with Feraligatr, despite a few differences with its defensive typing. In der pokémon go kampfliga öffnet am montag (30.08.) It's not the best at what it does, but it does what it does wwell. Metagross had the stats and typing to eke its way into the tier list, but it didn't have the moves - until Meteor Mash. Unlocking an additional move can allow Dragonite to make better use of energy and deal even more damage. Pokémon GO: Stärken und Schwächen im Überblick. Find out the Best Pokemon in Pokemon Go! Ich zeige euch meine 5 Kämpfe auf Rang 7 in der 1. Pokémon GO Pokédex. There will be plenty of Pokemon that use unique strategies trainers won’t plan for in this event. While not the best in its type, it can act as a great way to shore up a Flying Type team and potentially help with breezing through a few Tier 3 boss solo runs for players lacking full counter teams currently. Thundurus - Therian Forme hit the moveset jackpot pre-release.... sort of. Pokemon GO Gen 2; Pokémon GO Gen II Buddy Tier List. November 2020 ist die 6. Shadow Alakazam has DPS very similar to Psystrike Mewtwo, but with far less TDO. Ideally, the following parameters are considered while placing any Pokemon in a tier list. Ultra League Tier List - Pokémon GO Hub. Saison . When combined with Hail and Invigorating Hail, you can just watch as they turn enemies into sashimi. While Rayquaza unfortunately isn’t the best DPS anymore, it’s great typing (and Mega Evolution in the future!) While it can come in and wreak havoc on a relevant raid, it won’t be able to do so for long, and is unlikely to give full Mega Evolution boosts to the team, as no one really uses Bug or Poison Types outside of weather boosts and/or double effectiveness. This tier list covers Low Elo (Lower Ranks) which are the Beginner to Expert Rank. Best Master League teams, Pokémon and strategies. Still, it’s a great budget Mega Evolution that is very effective when Super Effective. It can work fairly well as a Dark or Grass attacker, but it's pretty frail. In Pokémon GO gehören die Spezialforschungen zu den schwierigsten Aufgaben im Spiel, doch wenn ihr sie bewältigt, erhaltet ihr viele Belohnungen. Electric’s favorable type coverage, Raikou's good bulk and damage output, and the frequent appearance of Water types on gym defense make Raikou a top attacker choice. Be smart. Shadow Moltres brings a great mix of power and role compression to the table, making it a great pick for any raid that it deals Super Effective damage in. Source: Niantic. In Pokémon Unite, you can join trainers from across the globe to compete in some strategic 5v5 team battles, dress up your Pokémon in a range of unique outfits, and participate in ranked matches to climb up the global leaderboard.. Great Moveset: Snarl* or Feint Attack + Foul Play. Players are quick to write off Raikou as obsolete, with Electivire claiming the Electric DPS throne. S A and B. Each of these Pokémon also has unique moves and abilities to further stand out amongst their group. Exeggutor’s versatile role as both an elite Grass attacker and a strong Psychic attacker keep it on the list.
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